Once a year we get to enjoy the Fall season. Whether that’s cold temperatures, pumpkin patch, or seasonal beverages. For me it’s enjoying 4 major sports all at the same time. The only time of year I can enjoy the Red Sox, LA Rams, Calgary Flames, and Boston Celtics in the same weekend. Do you...Read More
We have too many motorcycle tragedies every year and the majority of them are not due to careless riding on the riders part. They are a mix of poor driving, not enough attention to the road, and some traffic laws here in Canada. Lane splitting makes sense in every possible way but is illegal and...Read More
Unpopular Opinion: It’s okay to not be okay is a poor message to give people. This message genuinely comes from good intent, but it does not help people grow, or push through problems. Society today is fragile, and politically correct. Getting rid of messages that are softer and for good reasons but do not provide...Read More
We have MY Top 5 Places to Eat in Welland! Shawarma House comes in at number 5 with a delicious menu, and amazing prices! My personal favourite item is the Tawook sandwich! This spot is great for a quick lunch or dinner while on the run, and certainly doesn’t break the bank! At 4 we...Read More
Welland has many great places, and activities, so it was hard to choose my favourite 5, but they are as follows: My 5th favourite piece of Welland is the Rose City Parade! Happens annually in June and was started in 1961! The huge parade runs right through the centre of Welland. My favourite part of...Read More
The 2014 Honda CBR500R is my first bike, and I’ve loved it as a bike to start on! Taking this bike on my favourite road in all of Niagara allows me to use the bike to it’s fullest. Engaging the gears, throttle, brakes, and pushing the bike is something that’s almost exclusive to sport bikes...Read More
My favourite Sunday consists of sports! I try not to make appointments on Sundays as often as I can so I can use this time for a few things I love that are EXCLUSIVE to Sundays in the summer! I love to start the day off by golfing with some friends for a morning round...Read More
Baseball. Baseball was one of the biggest things in my life that feels like a void right now. I received a comment from a follower about how she didn’t realize how big of a piece of her life baseball played, and I connected with that. Baseball for me isn’t a spring to fall season, it’s...Read More
What makes this the BEST coffee shop? The Black Sheep – Lounge & Coffee Roasters is the BEST coffee shop in Welland because they are award winners! Business initiative 2017, and currently the #1 restaurant in Welland on trip advisor! The coffee is also top notch! They travelled to select the beans they choose to...Read More